L.N. GUMILYOV EURASIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL LINGUISTICS AND TRANSLATION THEORY INFORMATION LETTER Department of General Linguistics and Translation Theory is inviting students and young researchers to take part in the work of I INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “TRANSLAION ACTIVITY AS INTERACTION OF CULTURES AND LANGUAGES” April, 26 2018, Astana CONFERENCE THEMATIC AREAS: Translation Methodology and Didactics Theory & Practice of Literary Translation Theory & Practice of Informative Translation Linguistic Aspects of Translation Language Personality of Translator REQUIREMENTS FOR CONFERENCE PARTICIPATION Conference application, reports and scientific supervisor’s reference letters (confirmed by the seal of the institution) should be submitted before 20 April, 2018 by email. Files are to be named by Section Number and author’s name, e.g. 2_Article _ Omarov A.A., 2_Application_Omarov A.A., 2_Reference letter_ Omarov A.A. All submitted materials will be reviewed by the department members. Articles failing in topic relevance, research novelty, containing plagiarism are not to be admitted to the conference. The conference program with a list of speakers at the plenary and sectional meetings will be posted on L.N. Gumilyov university website. (www.enu.kz) and can be served as the invitation to the conference. In addition, invitation letters will be sent to the applicants' e-mail addresses. Materials are expected to be published by the beginning of the conference. REQUIREMENTS FOR ARTICLE ARRANGEMENT (see Appnedix1) 1. 3-5 pages in Kazakh, Russian and English should be typed in 14 font Times New Roman, KZ Times New Roman and saved in RTF format. 2. Page parameters: upper - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, lower - 2 cm. The paragraph is 1.25, the line spacing is single. 3. When writing an article, you must follow the following plan: Author’s full name, e-mail in the center Place of study, research degree (if any) City, country Supervisor’s full name Title of the article (in capital letters in the middle of the line, without a dot) Short abstract (3-5 sentences) and keywords (3-5 words) in Russian (if the article is written in English) / in English (if the article is written in Russian or Kazakh) Article text List of literature 4. Abbreviations and symbols should be applied with their definition at the first mentioning. In the text, use typographical quotes (""). 5. Scientific sources references should be indicated in square brackets under the serial number in accordance with the list of literature, e.g. [1, p. 15-17]. 6. The list of literature is arranged at the end of the article as it is mentioned in the text in the following sequence: author (full name), title of the article, name of the source (collection, journal, etc.), place of publication (city and publisher) month or issue (journal, newspaper), year of publication and page numbers. Publications are free of charge. The author is responsible for the content of the submitted material Please, submit materials to: e-mail: conf_2018@mail.kz Contact us: 010008, Astana, Kazhimukan st. , 11, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Faculty of Philology), 8705-502-89-85 (Аizhan Akkalieva) 8775-232-65-95 (Nurmira Zhumai)